Shawnanigans started as a catering company in 2018, and during the height of the COVID pandemic, pivoted into a full-time food truck business. However, our first love is still catering so if you need to feed a lot of people, let us know! We have done catering a lot of different ways over the years including off-site, on-site at our own venue, from the food truck, and under a canopy tent. If there is something specific you’re looking for to make your event perfect, we would like to help you out. Contact us to talk options!

Don’t cook, call Shawnanigans!

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Get Ahold of Us!

Whether it’s to check availability for having us at your event or to ask a question about something on or off of the menu, we want to hear from you! Use the form below to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we possibly can!


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